Friday, September 21, 2012

My sweet little 9 year old girl

 So Ashley went to her first little "late night" party with Addie and Heidi (two little girls I babysat since they were all babies).  They had pizza and played night games.  She came home so happy and excited about the fun she had that she just seemed to glow.  I was watching her and thinking how fast they grow up and how much you miss these moments.  I wanted to remember her and her cute personality.  It made me think about when I was 9 and how happy life was and how exciting these little memories are.  I love her messy hair worn in her favorite style--"flat down" and her cute knees, her favorite shoes that she just had to have and she loves so much. She is silly and happy and crazy and smart and sweet.  I love you Ashley!!!!

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Her new outfit and the dog

Ashley and the dog