Friday, March 4, 2011

Ashley is finally a bike rider!!!!

We have tried several times to get Ashley to ride her bike. She has never wanted to. She has always been too scared. Last "Lagoon season" we talked her into riding the Wicked. After that she decided she could try to ride a bike. She asked for and got a bike for her birthday in November. She still struggled with the courage to ride. The other night she said, "I am going to ride my bike". So we went out. Here is everyone giving her advice.
She got on her bike and coasted down the street with her feet off to her side(not touching the ground). Someone yelled "pedal" so she did. And she has been riding her bike ever since. This is her great big happy smile.
They all rode up and down the street and around the block until it got dark. It was a fun family memory.
Here she is looking like a pro. I love this little girl.
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Her new outfit and the dog

Ashley and the dog