Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas and such

Here is Christmas completely out of order but that is how I do things. It all still works out. This is Ashley in her school choir Christmas program. They did a Charlie Brown Christmas. It was very cute. Ashley is just in the choir because she is too shy to try out for a part.

This is her Jazz Christmas dance. They just learn little routines in a couple of weeks and perform them for parents at the dance studio. It is fun to watch what they have learned.

This is her tap Christmas dance. I did not get a picture of her ballet one because I forgot about ballet that day and we had to rush. We were ten minutes late and I did not have my camera or phone.

James' Christmas gift.

Allison got a sewing machine from Santa. Here is her first attempt at sewing. It is a pillow.

Ashley got a bed for her American girl doll. It did not come with a pillow or blanket so Allison made her one on her sewing machine. Not bad I'de say.

Ashley got a blizzard maker from g-ma and papa Townsend. Ashley would live on ice cream and popcorn if we would let her.

Jason and his pogo stick.

Ashley and her fijit friend from Santa. We did not know what it was either. Good thing Santa knew.

Christmas morning

Ashley's gift from Allison.

Christmas Jammies.

Her new outfit and the dog

Ashley and the dog