Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It was "future instructor" day at karate. Jason could bring someone and teach them how to earn their white belt. He chose Ashley. He took it very seriously and they had a great time.
This one is blurry but Jason got to teach her everything she needed to do to earn a white belt. He is teaching her how to do a front kick here.

Here she is getting her white belt.

New year eve at the Jensen house. I know it is late but I just found this one picture I took of the occasion. It was a fun night of playing all the new games we got for Christmas and eating too much food.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jarin won another match!!! He won it in three rounds by two points and I missed it!!! Our friend wasn't going to take pictures. When she saw Jarin almost had the guy pinned and I was not there she whipped out her camera but she was too late to get any good pictures. The reason I was not there was that the match was supposed to start at 5:30 but they started at 5:15 and Jarin went first. Boo Hoo. But yeah Jarin. He has now exceeded his expectation by 2.

Her new outfit and the dog

Ashley and the dog