Sunday, April 13, 2014

Jason's birthday

Nuts for a nut
 A remote control ball that is controlled by your hand.
 Some game that I can't ever remember but that has a really long name that you play on the computer.
 Comic Con tickets for three days

 Ashley photo bombing dad
 Maggie photo bombing Allison

Jason's birthday dinner

 James bought some crab legs and cooked them outside on the BBQ
 Jason was in heaven .
 Stanley really wanted some crab also.

 Ashley had a little dance competition in Lehi.  We went out to eat at Thanksgiving point before the awards ceremony.  Her dance made it into the top 15 of about 200 who got to dance again for the special gala.  The two dances from our studio who went  to that got this trophy.  The pictures are from my phone and so not good.

Her new outfit and the dog

Ashley and the dog