Monday, July 25, 2011

Family reunion at Bear Lake

I didn't get very many pictures, I must have been having too much fun. The Jensen's loved the family reunion. Thank-you to all who helped so much to make it so fun. Thanks to Uncle Karl and Uncle Scott for bringing your boats and for being so patient and fun. Thanks to Uncle Dan and Aunt Kim for the wonderful breakfasts and lunches. Thanks to Aunt Nancy and Kristen for the fun crafts. Thanks to Uncle Lonny for the awesome lodge. Thanks to everyone else for having cute fun kids to play with and watch, for being fun and happy, for being good sports during the crazy games. My family came away with great memories. Aunt Jana and Grandma enjoying the first of two yummy milkshake treat nights.

Ashley and Kirsten. Ashley really enjoyed playing with Kirsten and all the second cousins (as well as all the first cousins).

The game room was great and well equipped. Jarin came home thinking we needed to have a pool table.

Ashley and Nate in an intense game of fuse ball.

Allison and Emily do not look quite as intense.

Relaxing at the beach.

Michael and Jarin wanted to bury someone in the sand...but who?

Uncle Ryan, Grandma, Kate, and Ashley enjoying a float on the lake.

Guess who they talked into being buried?

Last time we went to Bear Lake I promised Allison we would ride horses. For one reason or another it did not happen. So this year I kept my promise. I am so glad I did. It was so much fun and my kids talked about it all the way home.

Ashley's horse was named Shoshone. He was almost 30 years old and the perfect horse for Ashley. I could hear her behind me talking to him the entire time, telling how sweet he was and how much she loved him. She has now decided she is either going to raise horses or dolphins when she grows up. She can't decide which right now.

Jarin was not going to ride a horse, but we talked him into it. He really enjoyed it. The fact that he let us take a picture of him on his horse is proof of that.

Her new outfit and the dog

Ashley and the dog