Thursday, December 27, 2012

Snoopy gingerbread houses

 Jason was sick the week before Christmas.  He did not feel like doing alot of our activities.  Just so you all know the bottle on the table is Ashley's root beer.

 So this is just for my memory.  Jason only likes to wear one sock.  It is always the right one.  Why? Who knows.  But I have a little boy in my class who has to wear his right sock the right way and his left sock in-side-out.  I love these kids and their little quirks.

 Allison and her cat Maggie.  She is getting so big.  She is a little hyper and naughty sometimes but all her cute moments make up for it.  Allison says she is still the best birthday present ever.
Here is one of her not so great moments but it was too funny that her entire head fit inside the glass.

Gingerbread men--enough said

West Jordan Elementary school choir

 They did the play "Principal Scrooge".  Our cute Principal played the part very well even though he is a happy rarely angry person.
 Our Ashley has been very shy.  She is trying hard to overcome this on her own.  She tried out for a group part for the first time.  She got the one she wanted and did an excellent job.

 Our wonderful third grade teachers played a really cute part in the show.  I love great teachers!!!!
I have no pictures of this but Allison spent the month doing "gigs" with the WJHS choir.  They were so great and fun and she had a blast spending most of the nights singing.  When the gigs were over they would go out caroling to raise money for the school's charity--The Shriners.

Christmas Eve

 First we made yummy sugar cookies for Santa
 We also ate a few.
 We went to Aunt Shelly and Uncle Mikes house for Christmas eve dinner and festivities.  Then we came home to do our Christmas Eve traditions: The Christmas story, Christmas Jammies and presents from kids to kids. Jarin got a reptar to go along with his Reptar jammies.

 This year Jason gave to Ashley, Ashley gave to Jason, Jarin gave  to Allison and Allison gave to Jarin.  When they give their present they say something nice about the person they bought for.  This year the compliments were more meaningful then in the past.  They finally went beyond "you are nice"!!!

After all the presents we settle down to watch a movie.  This year it was Santa Clause.

Christmas Day

 I told the kids they could wake us up at 6:59. Jason and Ashley were up at 6:40.  They were happy to waite for the "big" kids to wake up.
 Here they are in the traditional waiting at the top of the stairs . We had to stagger because the "little" kids are getting big enough that they hide the "big" kids.
 Jason and Ashley got I pod touches from Santa.  They were pretty excited.

Maggie played and played in the wrapping and with her christmas toys and then she fell asleep half standing up.

Her new outfit and the dog

Ashley and the dog