Sunday, July 29, 2012

A great day of boating on the lake

 Ashley was pretty much a permanent fixture right there in that spot.  She liked to turn around and face the front and then put her arms out and be "Queen of the world".  She had so much fun boating.
 Jason also had so much fun.  He could do this all day every day. 
 Here is Jason doing his Flynn Rider smolder.  I think he is cuter:)
 Uncle Karl took us to jump off a bridge.  Something we had not done before.  At this point Jason is pretty sure he is going to jump.
 Here he is pretty sure he will never jump.   Nathan is trying to tell him he can do it.
 Then he finally went.  He had to turn around and face front.  He would not jump backwards.  He did not want to stop jumping once he did it the first time.

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Her new outfit and the dog

Ashley and the dog